Monday, December 11, 2006

Just the beginning..

I've just received my teaching contract with a school in Seoul, South Korea! For those who don't know, and can't read my blog title, I'm half Korean. Sure, I may look Hispanic/ Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander/ White (mainly to Koreans) / [insert race or nationality here], but my momma was born and raised in Seoul. So, this whole living and working in the homeland gig is a pretty big deal for me. I'm going to be amongst a familiar yet very foreign language, meaning i have heard it throughout my whole life and attempted to learn it but still know nothing (in terms of getting by). Plus, I can't say I'm caught up on Korean culture. It's going to be an adventure, to say the least. I am currently working on getting all of my visa and contract paperwork taken care of, so I'll be able to start on February 1st.

I've started this blog to keep everyone updated on my life. Some of the stuff, okay, most of the stuff will probably be random, just so I can remember little things later on in life.

So, here's what next for me before I leave for Korea:
- This coming weekend (12/15-17): I will be heading up to SF for a mini birthday celebration!
- Christmas (12/24-27): Taking a quick flight to Tucson to celebrate with my family at my parents' new retirement casa.
- New Years Eve: The Flaming Lips / Gnarls Barkley at USC's Galen Center. (If you want to go, tickets are still available)
- Mexico Trip (January 4th-14th): You know I will be blogging about this. Fernando and I are flying into Cancun and traveling throughout the Yucatan to eventually (hopefully) meet up with friends Alvaro and Colleen in Mexico City.

- January 14th and beyond: Packing my life away and seeing friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


When was this photo taken? I have no recollection of this place. My first thought was that you put my face in another person's body but I recognize the attire and the purse. It must have been in Vegas.