Thursday, July 26, 2007

surrounded by korean heartthrobs

The past month or so, there has been filming going on down the block from where I live. Apparently it's for an MBC drama called Coffee Prince (Ko-Pi Puh-rin-suh). They closed the old cafe that I always thought looked cool from the outside and built this make-believe cafe a la The Max of Saved By the Bell fame.

All this really means to me is that my walk to and from work is now delayed due partially to camera crews and "quiet on the set"s but mainly to teeny bopping high school girls ditching class for the day to catch a glimpse of their favorite heartthrob. Check them out here.

It has been raining a lot lately, which pretty much sucks for my walk home in general. Worse is having to avoid the swarms of girls holding umbrellas and not allowing anyone to walk to down the sidewalk. The other day I was outside the local Family Mart and a few school girls were loitering outside with pieces of paper in their hand. Then, some dude walks out and they swarm him for an autograph. I guess I am in the presence of celebrities. It makes me wonder how they feel when they walk right past me and I do nothing to acknowledge them. Maybe I'll have to subscribe to cable TV, ditch work and join the masses of onlookers with camera phone in hand.


kimsulaster said...

I used to watch Korean dramas a few years ago. I think I recognize only 1 actor from the site and the rest are too new for me to come across to.

We are installing a satellite dish in Arizona and we get 5 Korean channels. Maybe I will get to watch it.

Tifa said...


You could have seen the shootings everydaaaaaaay! And could have perticipated as a client at the Coffee Shop!!!


I CERTAINLY would be one of the high schoolers ditching class. XDDDD

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